Tales of Relative Magick

Where the forests are alive, and the Kingdoms are awakening

Solstice Magic – December 2020

Solstice tomorrow – and it’s a super important one at that, given we’ve got this much-talked about Jupiter Saturn conjunction in Aquarius…

It’s the dawning of a new Age: a transition period; a beginning; an emergence. It’s the light at the end of the tunnel – that marks a brand new age of heightened technology, individual freedom; community.


Not to say that this is a Shift that’s going to be palpable overnight. Contrary to so many theories out there, I don’t at all believe there’s going to be this mammothly exciting (or conversely, cataclysmic) external ‘event’ taking place tomorrow, either… although, I mean, who knows, really? I guess we’re only 24 hours away from finding out…

I feel this is more of a doorway; the threshold of a totally new paradigm; a new vibration within us and around us – which is really very exciting. I looked at this in more detail with fellow Witch Ella Rankine. Crystalline energy activating in our systems. Stuff happening with our lightbodies, and inside our DNA. A rising of the feminine serpent power. An expanded state of consciousness.

And what comes with this new vibration might be something even more mind-bending – because it might also be that this conjunction is the gateway that’ll start to herald completely new Universal laws of this earthly dimension…

Which basically means this:

It’s gonna be far, far easier for us to create and manifest.

And of course, this can work out any way we want it to. So just as much as we might manifest what we actually want, it’ll also be easier to manifest what we don’t. So, more than ever before … be careful of your thoughts. Be careful what you wish for – through the visualisation of fears – without actually realising the power of what you’re doing. Keep your vibes high. Don’t get caught in the shadows of your mind.

And the birds will sing again. And Nature will – truly – come alive once more.

I’ve felt that deep connection with Nature – the plants, the animals, and the elements – for some time now. Not only is the Earth conscious, but the plants and the natural world have ancient wisdom to impart to us, too. I’ve had several lucid dreams of plants these last few months, where they’ve been giving me all kinds of messages.

Synchronicities have been strong. Universal energies always conspiring…

And what about the elements – that sustain us, that mould us, that give us all life? Make no mistake about it. They are listening, too. You’ve probably seen the photos of Japanese scientist Dr Masaru Emoto’s experiments, which show how the molecular structure of water changes according to the words, thoughts and intentions we send to it.

Talking of water, here’s a happy story: Just the other day, I was washing my hair at the new place I’ve been living at for the past 3 weeks – privately wishing to the jungle outside (and to the water itself) that the pressure from my shower head was stronger – and as hot as I’d been told it was when I was looking at renting the villa in the first place. That had been the cherry on the cake of the whole deal, by the way. I’m a sucker for boiling hot water. Anything that doesn’t involve a high possibility of scalding myself is frankly not acceptable. When I lived in London, I lost count of the number of people that jumped into my shower only to jump back out less than several seconds later, surrounded by billowing steam and yelling expletives.

Anyway, that night – to my surprise – the shower didn’t work at all. Nothing. The following morning? Nada. I called up the landlord who came round to see it an hour later; he was in my bathroom for less than five seconds. It’s actually working, he told me, perplexed – which, not only did I discover to be true when I went back in to use it, but I almost burned my legs (yep, I was delighted): it was super strong, steaming hot, and – as they say in the Silva Method about our mental state after a time in the alpha brainwave (highly recommended, btw) – better than before.

Back, now, to Ella, who went on to report: Aliens? There are many already among us – and there have been for some time. And we could go as far to say that, as we activate our light bodies and go up in vibration, we ourselves …become them. On other planes of existence, telepathy is the norm – and this’ll be the case for us, too, ultimately. There’s a feeling of a Shift in consciousness; a new sense of awareness and understanding somehow.

And for those of us who can keep ourselves anchored in feelings high vibration, there’ll be a feeling of lightness after the 21st. It’s SO important, now, then to focus on what we prefer …

…and not a reality that we don’t. Now is the time for feeling rather than doing. Allowing this process to take place.

So… let’s all hold the light, then, you lot. Let’s use the forces of our minds and our wills to shape what we all want to bring in to experience, and what we want to live. Let’s all hold the vision – for what we want this world to look like … and start to really bring through these vibrations.

And, ok, yeah…There are bigger things to wish for than scalding hot showers. Although, at the end of the day, everything has its place. Whatever your heart desires…. It is yours. Why not? What do you want? What do you like? Let’s really get into that mindset now – of being able to desire, and to visualise, and then to be able to bring this into being.


So, happy Solstice, my gorgeous friends.

Wherever you are, make sure you conjur up some excitement tomorrow. Keep the fires and joy burning up in your heart.

We’ve got this.

About the author - meet Diana Shamanic

Just over ten years ago, Diana Shamanic (aka Karen Farini) left her London life (as co-founder and owner of burlesque supper club Volupté) to go tripping 'round Asia. Here, she would ultimately wind up escaping yet another brush with muggle existence, after a 3-year stint running a same-but-different business (this time a backpacking hostel on the island of Koh Phangan in Thailand). By 2018, though... Well, let's just say her inner world had started to shift quite dramatically.... After various stints in Bali, Israel and the jungles of Peru, she's back again living on this magical crystal island, where she's just about to open 'Pandora's Box', offering psychic astrology readings and shamanic journeying into the body and beyond.

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